The November 2024 issue of the IAMAS e-Newsletter is now available!

- Available Now: IRS2024 Meeting SummaryThe International Radiation Commission held its quadrennial International Radiation Symposium… Read more: Available Now: IRS2024 Meeting Summary
- Join the IAMAS Community – IUGG How to Get Involved Day 2025
- BACO-25: Registration Open and 2nd Circular Available Now for the 2025 Joint IAMAS-IACS-IAPSO Assembly
- 2025 Joint IAMAS-IACS-IAPSO Assembly “BACO25” First Circular has been released.
- Obituary: Professor Richard P. Wayne M.A. Ph.D. F.R.S.C.With profound sadness, the International Association of Meteorology and Atmospheric Sciences (IAMAS) announces the passing of Richard Peer Wayne.
IAMAS Statement on Ukraine
The International Association of Meteorology and Atmospheric Science (IAMAS) and its Commissions strongly condemn the unprovoked and premeditated decision by the Russian Government to invade Ukraine. We are deeply troubled by the loss of life and the millions of civilians, who have become refugees. We are concerned about the safety and well-being of our scientific colleagues in both the Ukraine and Russia. We strongly request that the responsible people stop all military actions immediately.
For the past 100 years, the IAMAS has been an enduring and politically neutral forum for dialogue and collaboration for meteorologists and atmospheric scientists around the world, through its various research bodies and Commissions. IAMAS aligns with the recent statement of the International Science Council, which “warns against the severe outcomes that conflict will have on the research and academic community. Our capacity to work collaboratively on global challenges such as climate, and on cutting edge research such as Arctic and space research, is only equal to our capacity to maintain strong collaboration amidst geopolitical turmoil. Ultimately the isolation and exclusion of important scientific communities is detrimental to all.”
IAMAS is committed to advance equal participation, collaboration, and free and open dialogue among all meteorologists and atmospheric scientists across all borders. This commitment will lead to development of applications and innovations for the benefit of our fragile global community. Our greatest desire is for peace, and we stand united with others worldwide calling for an immediate end to this violent attack. Should you wish to aid those civilians in Ukraine that are currently under duress or the millions of refugees we list a few aid agencies below. Alternatively, you may wish to find humanitarian aid agencies in your own country.
- German Red Cross
- International Red Cross organization (coordinates international relief actions)
- Caritas
- Medecins sans Frontieres
- The Gift of the Givers
- More organizations (listed at the bottom)
Nobel Prize in Physics 2021
Congratulations to Syukuro Manabe, Klaus Hasselmann and Girogio Parisi – the 2021 Nobel Prize laureates in physics. The Nobel Prize in Physics 2021 was awarded “for groundbreaking contributions to our understanding of complex systems” with one half jointly to Syukuro Manabe and Klaus Hasselmann “for the physical modelling of Earth’s climate, quantifying variability and reliably predicting global warming” and the other half to Giorgio Parisi “for the discovery of the interplay of disorder and fluctuations in physical systems from atomic to planetary scales.”
- Interview with Dr. Manabe:
- Interview with Dr. Klause Hasselmann:
- Interview with Dr. Giorgio Parisi:
IAMAS Updates

Welcome to the web site of the International Association of Meteorology and Atmospheric Sciences (IAMAS). We are a non-governmental body devoted to the promotion and advancement of a wide range of atmospheric sciences through conferences, workshops and publications.
We are one of the eight associations of the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics (IUGG) and cooperate with the other associations in cross-disciplinary activities. We also maintain close links with other bodies concerned with Earth sciences, such as the World Meteorological Organisation (WMO), the Scientific Committee on Ocean Research (SCOR), the Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research (SCAR), the Scientific Committee on Solar Terrestrial Physics (SCOSTEP) and the World Climate Research Programme (WCRP).
Much of the work of IAMAS is carried out by its 10 commissions. The commissions publish various reports and organize their own workshops and symposia, both on their own and in association with other organizations. Further details on the commissions can be found on their web sites, which can be accessed via the drop-down menu provided above.
The day-to-day management of the organization is dealt with by its Bureau and guided by the IAMAS statutes. The Bureau is responsible to the Executive Committee.
To contact IAMAS please email the Secretary-General, Keith Alverson (